Thoughts on ads on a blog and alternative ways of getting support. How do you search for good affiliate marketing programs? The post includes an interesting example of a brand new service that combines micropayments and donations in a social setting.


Written by lyceum
5229 days ago


I have to check out his specific posts on business models. I agree that you have to find your own business model. That's why I wrote the post, inviting to a discussion thread. I added Google AdSense because it was so easy to set up at Blogger. I also wanted to find out what kind of ads that would be showing up on my blog. Could you explain it a bit more how you could use it for SEO?

I think that the alternative ad system like BlogAds is an interesting take on the relation between blog readers and advertisers. It will be fascinating to see if the new social micropayment / donation service, Flattr, will take off. You could see it as a development of the old "tip jar" mug, but you add a social networking aspect to it and you get a commitment of a small money amount (flat-rate) and you could show support (flatter) in an easy way.

Written by ShawnHessinger
5229 days ago


I notice you mention Chris Brogan. Have you read some of his posts on business models? Clearly, blogging, like every other business, does not come with one-size-fits-all solutions. For example, the notion that you can simply start a blog, throw some Google AdSense on there and have a good revenue stream is seriously flawed. I'm not criticizing AdSense. It has its uses (for SEO if for nothing else.) I'm just saying that every blog must find its own business model.

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