Remote Onboarding: 5-Steps to Bolster New Hire Retention

Avatar Posted by GayJanczunskikji under Employee Benefits
From 550 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on March 31, 2023 11:33 pm
Since Covid, the number of companies that have gone fully or partially remote has skyrocketed. With that new trend, HR managers have found themselves needing to adapt to a new way of onboarding, one that feels very foreign to them. And since the onboarding process is so closely linked to employee retention, half-assing remote onboarding isn’t a choice. I know change is hard, but if you resist, you’re gonna lose some awesome talent. As a company that’s been fully remote since the very start in 2014, we’re experts in remote onboarding, and we want to impart our wisdom to you so you can put together the best process possible for your remote new hires.


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