4 Incredible Tips For Avoiding Thin Content Penalty

4 Incredible Tips For Avoiding Thin Content Penalty - http://samblogs.com Avatar Posted by erikemanuelli under Global
From http://samblogs.com 2244 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on May 9, 2018 4:55 am
To ensure a maximum visibility to your online business, your website should not have any thin content. Thin content can severely hamper your website’s performance in search engine rankings. That’s why your website must aim to provide the target audience helpful, useful, and meaningful content.

So, what’s thin content, how Google detects it, and how to avoid it? If you are looking for an in-depth answer to these questions, then please keep reading and reveal more information on this topic in the following sections.


Written by lyceum
2238 days ago

Erik: Thanks for your valuable input!

Written by lyceum
2240 days ago

Money quote: "Write for humans (Not for the Machines"

Erik: How have you seen this tip play out, compared to the posts filled with bot filled lingo, you could find out there in cyberspace?

Written by erikemanuelli
2240 days ago

Hi Martin,

yes, for my main site. If you are trying to build an authority blog, write for humans, not search engines, in my opinion.

For niche sites, built for Amazon monetization, for example, you can follow the rule to write mainly for search engines.

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