5 Magnetic Customer Retention Concepts (+ 15 Tools To Use Now!)

5 Magnetic Customer Retention Concepts (+ 15 Tools To Use Now!) - http://postfunnel.com Avatar Posted by erikemanuelli under Global
From http://postfunnel.com 2575 days ago
Made Hot by: atishranjan on June 12, 2017 8:08 pm
Businesses spend a lot of time and money acquiring each customer. While acquisition is undoubtedly important, it costs up to seven times more to gain a new customer than to keep a current one!

To retain customers in today’s hyper-competitive, digitally-focused business environment that moves at speed, you’ll need preparation and effort – plus a few tricks and tools up your sleeve. And if you need any further convincing “Just a 5% increase in customer retention can boost profits by as much as 125%!”

If you’re looking to better retain your customers (and this should always be a goal) — begin with these five powerful concepts, listed hereafter. Understanding and applying them will mean greater returns and equally lower costs for your company, no matter your industry.


Written by nicregi
2575 days ago

Now, what the hell? 15 tools?! This is insane. Gold mine!!!

Thanks for sharing, guys!

Written by Sam-Hurley
2575 days ago

HAHAHA!!! Thanks for the #BigSmiles, bro!! xD

Have fun trying them all! :-D

Written by Inspiretothrive
2575 days ago

Yes, customization is being key as customers don't mind switching brands or companies anymore. They don't even blink an eye :(

It's so much harder and time consuming getting new customers vs. retaining what you have.

Thanks for great info Sam!!

Written by Sam-Hurley
2575 days ago

You ROCK, Lisa! :-D

#Truth ... Retention is more important than EVER.

Still, a large portion of businesses need to invest serious time + cash into this area! =)

Thanks for your lovely feedback!!

Written by ravichahar
2575 days ago

Hi Erik,

Sam has mentioned some great points. People should think about such concepts to please their customers. Personalization is one of the biggest things I would consider.


Written by erikemanuelli
2575 days ago

Good to hear you enjoyed my share, Ravi! :)

Written by Sam-Hurley
2575 days ago

Thanks Ravi! #Agreed.

When people feel special, they feel wanted.

And when they feel wanted, they are loyal.

Awesome strategy!

Written by Sam-Hurley
2575 days ago

Thanks again for sharing to the awesome BizSugar community, Erik!! :-D

What was your favourite customer retention tactic here?

Speak soon!

Sam :-)

Written by erikemanuelli
2575 days ago

My pleasure, Sam!

Those are super interesting techniques to apply.

I definitely like #1: gamification.

I see how these gaming mechanics are easily applicable to a blog or a community.

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