How to Use Domain Authority for SEO - Whiteboard Friday - Moz

How to Use Domain Authority for SEO - Whiteboard Friday - Moz - Avatar Posted by pvariel under Global
From 1943 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on March 11, 2019 2:49 am
Domain Authority is a well-known metric throughout the SEO industry, but what exactly is the right way to use it? In this Whiteboard Friday, Cyrus Shepard explains what's new with the new Domain Authority 2.0 update and how to best harness its power for your own SEO success.


Written by pvariel
1936 days ago

The latest algorithm change at Moz Made a big confusion among online users, especially some of the Bloggers Domain Authority is decreased tremendously, this made a lot of embarrassment. In the light of such situation this post is a must read to clear some of the doubts and confusions. This posts will clear your doubts in this new change.

I am so glad to share the link here for the benefits of readers here. Let's share your experiences in this regard. Thanks to all who already upvoted. Have a great day.

~ Philip

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