Who needs books? And other "archaic" things!

Avatar Posted by Barneyausten under Global
From http://www.starttoblog.com 5002 days ago
Made Hot by: Monsieur Eraser on January 19, 2011 7:05 pm
We are surrounded by technology that allows us to read content on-line. From Kindle to the iPad, the laptop to the iPhone, we can pretty much read what we want, when we want. But should we throw out the old to bring in the new? Or is there room for both?


Written by JackieP
4999 days ago

I toy with going over to the dark side every now and again..but must admit I love the feel of a book in my hands.

So until the day I hit the road to travel the globe I will keep doing things the "old fashioned way"

Great post, thanks


Written by businessavante
5002 days ago

Hi Barney!

While I have never thought things were better (generally) in the past - that I wouldn't go back for anything - I do still like things I'm used to, and usually hate change when it means I have to change. I don't mind progress or improvement, and I do think many things are better now than 30-50 yrs ago. But Sunday I was at a family birthday, saw my sister's smart-device (about as big as a credit card), and the writing was so small I'd have to hire someone to read it to me, or use a microscope.


Written by yoni67
5002 days ago


I will never, NEVER, EVER read a book on Kindle, nor will I ever own a Kindle. I'm part of that old-fashioned breed who despises tech. I didn't mind dialing, yes, actually 'dialing" a phone, nor did I mind standing up to turn the dial to change the TV channel.

Businesses must change with the times, but they also have to take into account people who loved "the good old days" and Market to them in an old-fashioned way.

Great article on the dichotomy of modernity vs. "good-old."


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