There is a growing and justified concern about the seemingly acceptable practice of using Interns as very cheap (or free) labour, sometimes to the detriment of current employees.


Written by MiniMe
4696 days ago

Ooooh, maybe we can make one million dollars from interns....

Written by saraib820
4697 days ago


I have VERY mixed feelings about this article. The article itself makes some valid points about being underpaid and feeling "used."

I must say though that whenever I see the word "slave" or "slavery" used to describe harsh working conditions I cringe.

It's an analogy that always falls flat and could potentially offend.

Let's not forget after all that slaves were not underpaid, underappreciated people and workers, they were kindnapped, sold at auction, often whipped, beaten, forcibly separated from family, etc., etc...

Written by businessavante
4697 days ago

I see your point, Rivkah - and remember a post some months ago that Did offend me, but it was from the point of view that an entrepreneur may feel 'enslaved' by their self-imposed work load. i.e. It was basically whining, and the use of the word slavery bothered me. Here, the "servitude" is not self-imposed, and the author isn't whining - but I agree that slavery is not a word to be used, or taken, lightly.

Written by businessavante
4697 days ago

Eye-opening stuff, Gianni, and great examples.

The U.S. has laws specifying what interns can & can't be asked to do - they can't be asked to do anything that directly OR indirectly leads to profit, for example. Does the law have teeth? I don't know.


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