A Golfers Guide to Project Management Success

A Golfers Guide to Project Management Success  - http://blog.myprojecttracker.com Avatar Posted by Barneyausten under Management
From http://blog.myprojecttracker.com 5199 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggertone on April 8, 2010 9:24 am
A Golfers guide to Project Management Success. A good game of golf and a well run Project have a number of key traits in common.


Written by ajayjoya
5198 days ago

Real helping article, for a better management. Keep posting

Written by Barneyausten
5200 days ago

Much as I'd like to claim this one, it was written by my compadre - Eoinredmond :) We're glad you liked it though!

Written by yoni67
5200 days ago

Great article Barney...a hole-in-one!

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