In my last post, Do not stand alone, I took a look at workplace bullying, what exactly is bullying and how to spot a bully within your company/team. So just what type of impact can bullying behavior have on the victim/s and ultimately your business/company? Workplace bullying can have a very serious negative impact on individuals and companies, and sadly it is all too common.


Written by nialldevitt
4772 days ago

Hi Catherine, I think the point you making about us examining our own behaviour is so important! I know for instance, that I on occasion can be quite demanding because I tend to work at a very high temp. This sometimes leads to impatience on my behalf. It is something I have to constantly work on within all my relationships, business and personal. Thanks again for raising this very important topic via Bloggertone.

Written by catherineconnors
4627 days ago

Thank you for your comment Niall, you seem to be very self aware which is always a plus in any profession however impatience can make us behave in a way we are not comfortable with. I'm happy to see that this is something you are well aware of .... it makes the difference doesn't it :)

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