In this article, Tom discusses five practical benefits that you can start to experience from your very first day of blogging.


Written by bembridge
4495 days ago

I agree with the points in this post.

I started blogging about 2 things I had passion for in 2005 when the blog world was still quite new. Travel at and Marketing at . I did it to experience and learn about this new tool.

I have to say that I learnt so much about how online works, and what does not. I knew so much more about online and digital than colleagues at work did through trying it out.

The bonus was that it does bring in some money, but that was not the goal.

The key is to be thinking about content and what you can bring when you start!

Written by AngelBiz
4497 days ago

All are excellent points. I would also add the benefit of establishing your brand for personal as well as business reasons. It is even more important to service oriented businesses such as accountants, lawyers and so on.

Written by BizRock
4497 days ago

Great article! Sometimes there is not everything only in the money.

Thank you for this excellent post ! And thank you for sharing here at BizSugar!

Written by Sian Phillips
4497 days ago

I can certainly agree with all your points. Although I don't make money from my blog it has given me recognition and paid writing jobs. Plus I have learnt a lot along the way - from research for what I write to all the blogs I now read for one of my jobs. Great post. Thanks for sharing on

Written by HeatherStone
4497 days ago

I like #2 Opportunities. Certainly not all are money making. But sometimes the opportunities that come to you and the people you meet as a blogger are well worth the experience.

Written by smpayton
4498 days ago

I like #1: Education. I have learned SOOOOO much from blogging, from the technical (installing widgets) to marketing (SEO keywords). It really makes you stronger in all areas of writing, business and technology.

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