5 Ways To Keep Your Blog Readers Loyal

5 Ways To Keep Your Blog Readers Loyal - http://www.technshare.com Avatar Posted by tnsblog under Marketing
From http://www.technshare.com 4686 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Tribe on September 3, 2011 10:48 pm
There are many factors that contribute to the success and popularity of a blog but the key is to custom tailor your content based on what you know about your readers. Engage your audience, then keep them coming back for more.


Written by Patricia Worth
4677 days ago

Hello Sibin. I have just thought of the same thing. RSS will keep readers coming back and the video let them stay longer. I have found tho', that videos need to be less than 5 min tops. But even that is a bit too much.

Written by nialldevitt
4680 days ago

I think your point about readers checking the progression of the comments/conversation is really well made, great tips!

Written by tnsblog
4678 days ago

Glad you like the post. Thanks for the comment.


Written by sadiakomal
4684 days ago

I received many guest articles regular for my blog and have same issue they don't reply to the comments

Written by The Bad Blogger
4684 days ago

Seriously, I hate it when no one reply to my comment especially guest post, I mean if the author of the guest post don't reply, then why in the world waste time guest posting... sad:(

Should not have given votes!!!

Written by tnsblog
4678 days ago

+1 Wong

I know the frustration. I think they do guest posting for 1 simple reason - backlink.

Recently i added an rule if a guest blogger won't reply to the comments than the backlinks will be removed from the author bio.


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