8 Proven Social Media Giveaway Ideas To Grow Your Audience

8 Proven Social Media Giveaway Ideas To Grow Your Audience - https://bloggingwizard.com Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From https://bloggingwizard.com 282 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on September 25, 2023 11:55 am
Need a few successful social media contest ideas to use as inspiration for your next giveaway?

Giveaways have long been used as a strategy for boosting engagements across a variety of different social media channels.

This is due to their simple nature: participants get a chance to win a free product or service, and all they have to do (usually) is like a tweet or follow someone on Instagram.

This is the general social media giveaway idea most brands use but it’s not the only way to do it. That’s why in this post, we’ve listed a handful of additional social media giveaway ideas you can use.


Written by lyceum
277 days ago

Adan: Thanks for your input!

All the Best,


Written by lyceum
278 days ago

Adam: I want to come up with a give-away for my podcasts? Would you send a certain amount of Satoshis, if you get a sticker or coaster? Or would you like to have something else?

All th Best,


Written by adamjayc
278 days ago

Not sure. This should always be framed around what your own audience would find the most appealing.

The most ideal option is to offer something digital so you don't have to deal with the challenges of shipping around the world. And also try to partner with a brand that can provide the prize and help promote the giveaway.

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