When you hear the term Generation Y, what do you think of? iPods? Instant messaging? Online communities? If so, you're on track. But as a B2B marketer, you should add target market to that list. And if you don't think this demographic is part of your audience, think again.
B2B & Gen Y: An Opportunity Not 2B Missed! | Times of B2B Lead Generation
Posted by mona19 under MarketingFrom http://www.timesofleadgeneration.com 5810 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 11, 2008 2:36 am
“Martin, I am not that far along yet. When I do get to live-streaming, I am...”
“Peter: I have to check out your post. Where in Sweden are you located?
“Robert: Have you tested live-streaming and then saving the session as a...”
“Lisa: Thanks for sharing this information. I have not used Grok so much...”
“Adam: I have to re-read the post and see if it is time to start another...”