When a new customer looks to buy your product or service, they are on a journey. Sometimes it may feel like a pleasant walk up a hill. Other times it seems like they are climbing a mountain with obstacles in the way. Can you simplify the stages of your customers' journey?


Written by lyceum
3902 days ago

Susan: Be safe out there, down under! I look forward to hear more about your business journeys!

Written by m4bmarketing
3902 days ago

Thanks Martin

Written by lyceum
3903 days ago

Susan: Thanks for your response! How are things in Australia? Do you have business cases from your area regarding simplifying the customer journey?

Written by m4bmarketing
3903 days ago

We are having awful bush fires at the moment in my state, but apart from that all is good down under Martin. I don't have any that have simplified the whole journey, only parts.


Written by greatcontent
3903 days ago

How true! I have recently been taking more time to map where my visitors enter the site and how they traverse off the site. It’s been an eye opener. It is frustrating to see just how many holes I have.

Written by m4bmarketing
3903 days ago

Hi Steve,

It may seem frustrating at first, but think of the opportunities when you fix the holes. And remember you are probably in the minority taking the time to map. All the best with your fixes.


Written by lyceum
3904 days ago

Susan: Is the process "awareness, interest, consideration and buying" the same as the AIDA rule?

Written by m4bmarketing
3903 days ago

It is similar Martin.

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