Good and Bad Brochure Copywriting: A Tale of Two Brochures

Avatar Posted by copywritematters under Marketing
From 3221 days ago
Made Hot by: blogexpert on November 17, 2015 10:37 am
Marketing brochures have the potential to be incredibly persuasive salespeople when you’re not there. A brochure can communicate important information about your company and products, and motivate potential customers to action. If they are done well.

This is a critique of two brochures. Not the companies or the products, but the copywriting.


Written by copywritematters
3216 days ago

Well, it's usually cheaper and easier but that doesn't mean it's better! ;)

Written by lyceum
3216 days ago

Belinda: You are right about that! ;) How are things Down Under? :)

Written by lyceum
3217 days ago

Belinda: How does it come that a company is still trying to do a copy & paste of the traditional brochure and transform it to new media?

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