How to Confuse Your Customers in One Easy Step

How to Confuse Your Customers in One Easy Step  - Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From 5033 days ago
Made Hot by: BradenM on September 27, 2010 11:15 am
Do all the places where your brand appears look like a family? If it doesn’t then you may have just taken one step to confuse your customers about your brand. What I am talking about is the look, feel and tone of your brand.


Written by CIKMarketing
5028 days ago

Nice article, Susan. I agree you need to be consistent, especially when it comes to something as simple as continuity between a website and newsletter. I also think that Shawn has a point when he says diversifying your brand for various target markets can also help. As long as there is still some kind of common denominator that pulls them back together, I think it can work.

Written by m4bmarketing
5027 days ago

Thanks for the comment and you are right about the common denominator. Unless there is one then you should think about having 2 brands for example. The problem with diversifying your brand too much you can end up losing the essential brand identity ingredients and the overall brand loses.


Written by ShawnHessinger
5029 days ago

Great thoughts about branding, Susan, and I think the opposite is also true. If you have a completely different product or several that make sense and fit together for your business but aren't necessarily targeting the same client or customer, you can distance these by slightly different or significantly different branding and really build them for those different customers. Don't assume that just because you've already built a customer or client relationship with one group of people they will automatically be interested in a very different product. Sure, there might be some spill over and there is a connection for you and your business, (maybe you are creating one site on small business blogging and another on corporate blogging) but don't expect your audience to see that connection. Build your branding accordingly and don't confuse your customers by trying to build a connection between products aimed at very different audiences.

Written by m4bmarketing
5027 days ago

Sorry I am late replying Shawn. You bring up really vailid points. If you think of Coke and Diet Coke they are targeted at different consumers. Diet Coke has connection to the Coke brand but also has its own imagery etc. The issue for small business is if they have different products or service that target totally different customers then they should consider whether in fact they have 2 brands.

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