There are two critical mistakes I find most marketers make across the board. The first is not thoroughly studying and understanding their target market. The second stems from the first: not communicating with their prospects and clients effectively through their marketing.


Written by AngelBiz
3446 days ago

Karon - Customer journey maps are invaluable tools that any business can develop to get better handle on their target market and develop right approach to communicate to them. Many small business owners fail to spend time to develop the right approach and jump into marketing to anyone and everyone, which ends up in inefficient marketing effort and wasted dollars.

Written by karonthackston
3446 days ago

Hi Martin. Any size business can use customer journey maps to outline the progress/life of their customers. They can be as simple or complex as you need for any given project. This is basically a wireframe of the customer lifecycle whether that be from their first introduction to your company until they no longer use your services/products anymore or (like in the blog post) a way to encourage specific action for a specific goal. You list the actions a customer takes and the reasons for those actions then you use that information to plan how you approach customers.

Do you have a particular goal (like the example used in the article)? What questions do you have about your clients with regard to this goal? That's the first step.

No, there isn't a special tool that I use.

Written by lyceum
3447 days ago

Karon: How could a small business owner use a customer journey map? Do you use a special tool / service / app for creating it? Is this a new way of "flipping the funnel" into an iterated orienteering journey?

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