It's a fact that if specific objectives are not set out before any marketing activity takes place, the success of the activity will be less than it could be and it will be much harder to measure it (you might be better off not knowing!).


Written by saraib820
4747 days ago


I'm always amazed how many things are/were invented without goals or planning. Case in point:

"In WWII, scientists at Kodak were experimenting with chemicals known as cyanoacrylates to make clear plastics to be used for precision gunsights. Unfortunately, the chemicals kept sticking together, making them impossible to work with. The scientists had to abandon the project.

One of the Kodak scientists, Dr. Harry Coover, recognized that these super-sticky cyanoacrylates could be used to make an extremely powerful adhesive. Coover and a team of scientists used the cyanoacrylates to form glue that was later dubbed "Super Glue"."

They still hold the patent and receive royalties from all super-glue which I'm guessing is a billion-dollar industry. All by accident!

Written by nialldevitt
4748 days ago

Hi Paula, thanks for another education! The initial objectives for me when creating Bloggertone were both marketing and networking. In other words, I realised early that if I could create a place of value for the business community to hang out and learn, my own brand would benefit both directly and indirectly. It also provided me with a networking opportunity both with the bloggers and readers alike. The smartest B2B marketing objectives for me are where you can get your customers to come to you rather than the other way round :)

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