There are so many tactics to choose from it can be a trap to drop what you are currently doing and jump to another. Just think of this in terms of trying out different diets or exercise routines to get healthy. If you keep changing then you certainly will not get the results you want. The same goes for your marketing. 3 benefits of being consistent are..


Written by ajayjoya
5238 days ago

thanks for the post susan

Written by m4bmarketing
5238 days ago

Thanks Ajay

Written by lovedthisarticle!
5239 days ago

Susan, more great advice. As I learn the ins and outs of business here on Biz Sugar, you are my "go to person" for marketing. You provide great insight into all aspects of SB marketing!

Heidi K.

Written by m4bmarketing
5239 days ago

Thanks Heidi, I appreciate your comments. If you ever have any questions I could help with feel free to send me an email.


Written by yoni67
5239 days ago


Wow, another great post! I don't have the energy to keep up blogging with you...I did my two for the week, I'm exhausted, and now I must rest. Two points in particular that you made: 1) knowing when something is not working and giving up: I have fallen into the trap too many times of doing the same thing and hoping for different results, namely before I started blogging. I thought that even though customers were not finding me, perhaps they would by me remaining silent. Didn't work! 2) Don't confuse your customers: we learn from a very early age to crave consistency. I read a very interesting article recently in Psychology Today about parenting styles; the conclusion? It makes very little difference which style parents choose as long as they are consistent! I believe as you state that this has repercussions in business. Customers and readers alike want a "known quantity." Changing course too often is indeed confusing!

Great post! Regards,


Written by m4bmarketing
5239 days ago


I only decided to do 3 posts a week this week and see how it goes. That sound like an interesting article about parenting and good lessons to learn from.

Yoni your posts whether there are only 1 or 2 times a week are great to read and having a rest is often the best thing to do.

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