I’ve got a confession to make. Sometimes – quite often actually – I absolutely hate writing. I know this sounds weird coming from a professional copywriter and content marketer – but I’m afraid it’s true.


Written by lyceum
3407 days ago


Thanks! I will send you an email.

All the Best,


Written by lyceum
3409 days ago

Loz: I hear you! ;) That's why I focusing on my podcasting. I will keep my blog as a hub, together with audio material as podcasts, and in the future, "behind the scenes" and bonus material as video clips.

I would like to talk with you about Rev.com and how to get transcripts and create material for a forthcoming book.

Written by contentchampion
3407 days ago

Good ideas Martin :-)

Email me at loz [at] contentchampion [dot] com any time.



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