Blogging WILL bring customers to your doorstep in hordes! New Clients, added income and exposure...


Consider the case of Arthur Sanderson: The first person to DIE as a direct result of Business Blog success...


Written by sheena.willspheen
4997 days ago

Very impressive Yoni, I agree with all of them. Great job!

Written by yoni67
4997 days ago

Thanks Sheena!


Written by lovedthisarticle!
4997 days ago

Crazy man! I agree with Ofira that these unique story lines are what is setting your blog apart from so many!

Keep it up!


Written by yoni67
4997 days ago

Thanks Heidi and Ofira,

I'm trying to turn things into a story and hope that the approach is working. I guess it comes from knowing more about writing than business. Rather than trying to suck people in with Business knowledge I don't have, I'm trying to hook them with some tales I spin.


Written by ofirafromjobshuk
4997 days ago

Yoni, I love, adore actually how you go beyond offering tips and advice and turn everything into a story that is so fun to read! Thanks!


Written by alinisrael
4997 days ago

Astounding Yonatan! Made my day!


Written by yoni67
4997 days ago

Thanks for reading Alan. Your comment made my day!


Written by businessavante
4997 days ago

Wonderful, Yoni!

Another life taken by Gilligan reruns - the graveyards are dotted with his victims! The allure is just too strong, mere human flesh too weak!


Written by yoni67
4997 days ago

Thanks Duncan,

Yup, old Gilligan. And those commercials..."Condiser a career as a long-haul trucker." And the old Sally Struthers..."Call the International Correspondence School can major in Business Management, Nursing or Gun Repair.." GUN REPAIR????


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