Varied streams of monetization is the name of the internet marketing game. Here's 5 sizzling tips to increase your blog earning from top affiliate marketer Lisa Irby.


Written by tiroberts
3876 days ago

Varied streams of monetization is the name of the internet marketing game.

Written by adrianjock
4300 days ago

I was wondering whether is good or not to use a notification bar. The more plugins, the more bounces caused by the fact that the page will not be loaded so quickly. Not everyone likes to wait and wait... But I guess it's worth trying :) By the way, Ti, maybe this is not the right place to ask this question... How do you get traffic to your blog by submitting other people content? :)

Written by tiroberts
4300 days ago

Hi Adrian!

So glad to see you here on BizSugar :). I've heard the same about plugins and load time, which is why I don't have many plugins installed on my blog now. However, I do think that the notification bar is definitely a plugin worth installing.

As far as submitting other bloggers post, it's more about building and furthering relationships with bloggers more so than getting direct traffic from it. I believe the best way to build and maintain relationships with influential bloggers is to send them free traffic, any way possible. Bizsugar is a fantastic place to get free traffic, plus this is truly a great article and cetainly worth the share!

The long-term relationships that you build ultimatley hold long-term traffic and other business beneifits ;).

Thanks for commenting and welcome to the BizSugar community!


Written by tiroberts
4304 days ago

Fantastic post, Lisa. Thanks for letting us in on Foobar. I was wondering what it was called. I've been seeing it literally on just about every blog I've visited. Now I know where to get it! Great points about the toolbox page too. I'll be revamping my page soon and I'll def be taking your suggestion into consideration :)


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