Are you mainly focusing on Google search for traffic?

Well, have you considered Bing? This article goes over Bing's major ranking factors and helps you decide which traffic is easier to get (Bing's or Google's).


Written by phuongdk
4255 days ago


Written by creatingawebstore
4249 days ago


Written by lyceum
4255 days ago

I think it is good that you highlight Bing as an alternative to Google. Do your remember when you said: "I used to use AltaVista?" ;)

Written by creatingawebstore
4255 days ago

Totally agree Lyceum. What's hot today can be gone tomorrow.

I remember when Google came out, I didn't really think all that much of them, but I slowly started using them and before I knew it, I became a Googler. Same can happen with another search engine. It just takes a really good product, time and getting used to.

Written by HeatherStone
4256 days ago

Hi Danny,

Bing search is an important thing to keep in mind while marketing your Website. Though certainly not as prominent as Google, Bing is slowly carving out its own share of the search market. It' s a small but growing market that can't be ignored. Thanks for sharing your observations with the BizSugar community.

Written by HeatherStone
4255 days ago

We'll be looking forward to it!

Written by creatingawebstore
4256 days ago

Hi Heather,

With all the Pandas and Penguins going around, I figured I'd dedicate a post to Bing. Of course this has inspired me to write about other ways to build traffic. Hopefully sooner than later...

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