ome of the biggest companies on the planet have grown out of mistakes.
Mark Zuckerberg famously said, “the majority of what I’ve done has been mistakes. Unless you’re breaking stuff, you’re not moving fast enough”.
Mistakes are great so long as you learn from them. It helps you understand how and why things work. It shows you the right path to take instead.
But, rather than make those mistakes yourself, let’s learn from the biggest mistakes of others.
I’ve rounded up 27 experts in blogging, marketing, and startups, and asked them to reveal their biggest mistakes. I posed the following question:
What is the one thing you would redo if you could turn back time?
The answers were pretty enlightening: Read!
How NOT To Run a Blog: 27 Experts Reveal Their Biggest Mistakes
Posted by jasoncpf under Online MarketingFrom 3068 days ago
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