You're heard it before. I've heard it before. Probably thousands of times. In this post, I share how to become a top producing agent by following up.


Written by btd5coolmath
3411 days ago

show me how to get it?

Written by adukes81
3416 days ago

Absolutely, Heather! Follow up is so important is any industry. It is something I am constantly working on.

My top tips? Use a CRM to manage your leads. Without a CRM, it is very difficult to do. I use a CRM and still have a hard time keeping up with the leads that are interested.

Written by lyceum
3412 days ago

Adam: What kind of CRM system do you use? I will be start using Nimble for a new online business venture in the near future.

I have to become better on following up on leads, meetings, calls, etc.

Written by HeatherStone
3416 days ago

Hi Adam,

Thanks for sharing the post and I have to say I think followup is an important concept that spreads across just about every kind of business. And I think that's often not just because you need to follow up to get a sale, make a connection, develop a partnership etc. I think it's also because sometimes you can't tell which opportunities truly are promising without following up. That's when you find out who was for real and who was just being polite ... and maybe even who seemed not to be interested but in fact was. What would be your top followup tip and do you also find followups are important in business beyond the field of sales?

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