If you've used Twitter for a while, you've probably noticed that many companies are repurposing their press releases into web landing pages as a way to further promote their white papers.
But many companies fail to add the necessary visual elements that ensure success. This blog post will provide you with several simple tips that can enhance your online press releases and ensure a greater number of white paper downloads and lead.
How to Promote a White Paper in a Press Release
Posted by WhitePaperPundit under Online MarketingFrom http://www.whitepapercompany.com 5295 days ago
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“Adam, Great post. My feeling? It's better to already HAVE a blog than...”
“That's a good list of steps in keeping with self-discipline. I concentrate...”
“At a time where I am seriously considering utilizing videos for my online...”
“As I soon close in on the start of a 365 day countdown to retirement age...”
“You lay out some good solid tips to give an entrepreneur like myself a...”