This week, Eric Enge of Stone Temple Consulting has published a very good interview with Matt Cutts on the topic of link building. Aside from the obvious importance of Matt’s responses, the questions made by Eric can be interpreted as good “hints” on how to build links. If you are in the SEO industry, thinking of improving your link profile for better search engine rankings, the interview is a must read, period.


Written by tiroberts
4072 days ago

Great post, DiTesco.

I saw this same Matt Cutt video a few months back and I and I somewhat agree with what he's saying. Blogging for links is okay; however, I believe that guest blogging should be done more so for the branding recognition, exposure and relationships that result from it.

Guest posting is fantastic for getting your name and brand out there so that everyone begins to know who you are. I also think that guest blogging shouldn't be just limited to the really high traffic, high profile blogs. It's beneficial to guest blog for up and coming blogs as well for the sake of building up your following and audience as much as possible.

It's been a while, DiTesco since I've dropped by your blog and I'm glad to see that you're still producing quality content for your readers.

Keep the great content coming and I'll be sure to share this piece with my social circle. :)


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