I’m excited to introduce you to Tor Refsland who runs TimeManagementChef.com – which is a site full of time management and productivity help, and so much more. What a blessing it’s been to get to know Tor this year, and I know you’re going to enjoy what he has to share…


Written by adrian1015
3266 days ago

Hi Carol,

Another great guest post you have here Carol. Making a successful blog is a dream of every blogger. Some are wasting there time overtaking about thing they want to do in there site.

All should create a more reliable content that is worth to share to everybody. Of course original content is most acceptable.



Written by Carol_Amato
3266 days ago

Hi, Adrian,

I really appreciate it. - I was thrilled when Tor accepted my invitation to be the next Guest Star on my blog - he did a fantastic job over-delivering, that's for sure.

Yep, creating valuable content that provides a solution to a problem is the way to go, and I agree wholeheartedly with what Tor has shared.

Thanks for your valuable feedback, and I hope you have a great day.


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