What Habits and Routines Have Helped You the Best?

Avatar Posted by stevejwilliams under Online Marketing
From https://www.buzzandtips.com 2780 days ago
Made Hot by: luvhealthcare on February 19, 2017 5:33 pm
Did you ever happen to change your habits in order to improve? Discover how to make a difference by integrating simple habits or routines in your day.


Written by tiroberts
2777 days ago

Thanks for sharing your insights and perspective on this.

Written by stevejwilliams
2777 days ago

Ti, you are welcome. I appreciate your comments. Have a nice week!

Written by lyceum
2777 days ago

Steve: I will check out Mike Rohde's daily plan bar. Isn't tempting to check your email before 11 AM? ;) Yes, there are plenty of alternatives out there. We (Johan Gustaphzon and I) are talking about this issue in episode 17 and 18 on our podcast, Produktivitéet (made up word for productivity and tea in Swedish).

Written by lyceum
2778 days ago

Steve: I am using a version of bullet journaling with my Trigg Life Mapper calendar.

Written by stevejwilliams
2778 days ago

Good stuff. I've heard of Trigg before. There are so many alternatives out there. The important is to use what fits our lifestyle.

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