Why would an entrepreneur want to publish a book? Because this book, for your business, can work magic. It opens doors and confers instant credibility. It increases sales and even the price you can charge.
How a Self-Published Book Can Increase Your Business Success
Posted by amabaie under Products and ServicesFrom http://lerablog.org 4089 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on July 26, 2013 8:31 pm
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“Martin, I am not that far along yet. When I do get to live-streaming, I am...”
“Peter: I have to check out your post. Where in Sweden are you located?
“Robert: Have you tested live-streaming and then saving the session as a...”
“Lisa: Thanks for sharing this information. I have not used Grok so much...”
“Adam: I have to re-read the post and see if it is time to start another...”