Having a strong call to action in your blog post is a very important thing to focus on, and I’ve gotten a lot of questions about what I use at the end of my blog posts, so decided to shoot a quick video to share what I’m doing.

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Written by adrian1015
3512 days ago

Hi Carol,

I really like your your video, I never know that there was a plug-in that is free like this. I thank you for letting us know about this and it really can be used in many ways.

I having a lot of ideas and really excited about this.

Have a nice Easter holiday.


Written by Carol_Amato
3512 days ago

Hi, Adrian,

I guess lots of people don't know about it because I've been getting questions asking what I was using for my call to action below blog posts and folks are under the assumption that it is a paid program.

The Quick Adsense plugin it Is completely free.

You're right, it is a very versatile plugin in the sky is the limit when considering ways to use it.

Less is more, however, so used sparingly – this plugin can be very powerful.

Thank you for your comment, and I wish you a blessed Easter.

Take Care,

- Carol :-)

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