8 Tips for Raising Money Through Kickstarter

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Raising Capital
From http://www.businessinsurance.org 4547 days ago
Made Hot by: TalkingHedzPR on May 6, 2012 10:46 pm
If you've got big dreams for a small business or creative project, Kickstarter is a valuable resource for raising money through crowdfunding. Set a monetary goal for your project, tell the world what it is you're trying to do, and cross your fingers as your project opens for donations. While some people have raised much more than they set out to, not everyone can be a Kickstarter success story — and those who don't meet their full goal don't get any money.


Written by novenabye
4528 days ago

I don't know about other country but for Asia what you are saying about small business CFD is true.

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