Can Use of Small Business Credit Cards Stimulate Job Growth?

Can Use of Small Business Credit Cards Stimulate Job Growth? - Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Raising Capital
From 5094 days ago
Made Hot by: jsternal on July 22, 2010 3:40 pm
A study insists use of small business credit cards was helpful in increased revenue and job creation between 2003 and 2008. But since the study was completed just before the worst part of the recession hit, we are left to wonder about the real impact of so much credit. After all, other sources insist that unpayable loans and low customer spending led many businesses to close. I wonder if any of them had run up big bills on their small business credit cards.


Written by rudoconsulting
5075 days ago

If you have a few grand saved up in the bank right now, you might want to tie it into an investment and use that ot ask your credit card provider for a higher limit. Could come in handy later on.

Written by ShawnHessinger
5094 days ago

Thanks for the comment, David. This is absolutely the point. What I think what all businesses need is more clients/customers, not necessarily more credit. After all, we'll eventually have to pay all of that off which means less money when we start getting more customers.

Written by amabaie
5094 days ago

Credit creates jobs. Too much credit destroys jobs. We still have too much credit, and all the stimulus" was only another word for "Oops, we overspent...let's spend more to dig a deeper hole."

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