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Do you routinely find yourself taking, taking, and taking some more with your small business? And, do you constantly want handouts? Do you feel annoyed at the “selfishness” of fellow small business owners who never give you the time of day?

Do you give or take with your small business today? Learn how to be generous with your small business to help others along the way.


Written by lyceum
1508 days ago

Lisa: I mean trade value for value, as a philosophical principle. I do barter too. You will hear about it in an upcoming episode of my podcast. We have to talk about what is real money at some point in time! ;)

Best Premises,


Written by lyceum
1508 days ago

Lisa: How about trade? I believe in the trader principle (by Ms. Rand). I have acted according to giver's gain (coined by Dr. Ivan Misner, of BNI), but it could turn into the giver's pain... I have talked about this issue on my podcast, EGO NetCast, and I sent a question to the Fizzle show. Have you heard their answer?

Best Premises,


Written by Inspiretothrive
1508 days ago

I have not heard their answer but I do one trade with one client of mine from time to time. Actually 2 now :) Do you mean trade for something vs. money?

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