Successful and productive people know that how they spend their mornings has a tremendous effect on the rest of the day.

You might be wondering:

“What do these people actually do during their mornings that gives them the edge?”

The answer is rather simple:


Written by lyceum
3320 days ago

Kosio: Great to hear. I look forward to hear your thoughts on these apps.

Written by lyceum
3320 days ago

Kosio: Thanks for the tips. I am using an app called Buddhify for different meditation situations, e.g., going to sleep, waking up. You could also listen to "rain" and "noise colors".

Written by highperformance
3320 days ago

Sounds nice, I will check it out for sure!

Written by lyceum
3320 days ago

Kosio: Thanks for your suggestion! In the past, I have gone to bed between 1-2 AM. Now I am shooting for before midnight. It would be ideally to wind down already at 10 PM, so I could be start my sleep cycle at 11 PM, and then wake up between 5:30 and 6 AM.

Written by highperformance
3320 days ago

Rolling back the clock gradually so you can go to bed earlier (and wake up earlier) usually does the job.

It might take some time to get used it, especially at first, but little by little you can "train" yourself to be sleepy earlier than midnight.

Falling a sleep is a habit like any other at the end of the day :)

Written by HeatherStone
3320 days ago

Hi Kosio,

Interesting suggestion with setting back the alarm 15 minute earlier each day. I must remember to give it a try the next time I get my days and nights confused ... like now, for example. :)

Written by highperformance
3320 days ago

Let me know how it works out, Heather.

Written by lyceum
3320 days ago

Heather: ;) You are a night owl, right?

Written by lyceum
3323 days ago

Kosio: I want to ingrain the following morning routine:

06:00 AM - meditation exercise in bed, using Buddhify app.

06:30 AM - walking for 20 - 30 minutes, listening to podcasts or Buddhify app.

07:00 AM - breakfast: tea, rice cake with hempseed and black pepper, and a smoothie with yogurt and banana. I often have a nutritional drink with vitamins, minerals and fibre.

My goal is to have a productive start of the day, so I can write about 30 minutes on my forthcoming book on tea, before I start with my workflow of job tasks.

The challenge is that I am a night owl... ;)

Written by highperformance
3321 days ago

Martin, what time do you got to bed?

I have found by working with "night owls" in the past that they tend to go to bed super late which requires them to wake up late and keep repeating the cycle.

If you start going to bed 15 mins earlier and waking up 15 minutes earlier, get used it, roll back the clock another 15 minutes, get used to it... you can usually start getting up quite early in just a few weeks without feeling like you want to eat someone alive in the morning :)

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