In any other community there is a system of checks and balances in place for members.

Should Social Media sites be any different?


Written by yoni67
4887 days ago


What would Jesus Christ think? I can only speculate but I'm hoping he would be as mortified as you are!


Written by yoni67
4887 days ago


A response to those who have been supportive: Thanks!

To those who still think the Hitler post had merit...I still have to disagree. And perhaps one of the things about me is when I disagree strongly I open my mouth. And I have always been a fighter for things worth standing up for.

In 4th grade when a kid twice as big as me started throwing pennies and said "Pick 'em up Jew-boy" I raised my fists and fought. I got my ass kicked and my glasses broken but I learned early that I wasn't going to back down.

I spent a night in jail in Kansas City in 1992. I saw a bully picking on a guy with cerabral palsy, pushing him because he thought he was staring at his girlfriend, and by that time I was close to 6-feet tall and 215 pounds. The bully wasn't such a bully after about 30 seconds. My heart said do it and I did it. I'm a person who abhors violence. The charges were dropped. No regrets on my part.

Hitler is the same for me. It is not something I can or will let go of. He killed too many of my relatives for me to stand by idly while some idiot makes a funny parody video.

Yes, I have opened up my mouth. I have no regrets. Were I to remain silent I would have no self-esteem. Regardless of the consequence, I am glad I am taking a stand. If I make enemies along the be it. If people think I'm out of line for going on about this, too bad.

It's not funny. It's not business. It's very offensive. And I'm ashamed that my community thought it would be okay.


Written by yoni67
4887 days ago

First things first: How many people regularly have their posts removed from the HOT Topics page every friday if they have had more than one that week? Show of hands? Just Yoni. Others as was mentioned can have 4, 5 or 6. Just lovely to be singled out in this community of mine!

Written by amabaie
4887 days ago

I feel a need to comment on this, if for no other reason because I voted for the original post on a day when I was quite distracted. I really am only commenting just to share my opinions (yes, plural).

1. These Hitler parodies are a dime-a-dozen, as Tristan mentioned in the previous discussion. I don't really pay them much attention, to be frank.

2. This video neither glorifies nor gives credence to Hitler, IMHO; it mocks him as well as bloggers who take themselves too seriously.

3. I totally understand why many people find this offensive, and even those who don't probably feel discomfort.

4. The connection to business is slight, making the submission even more tenuous; the problem is that many other posts have tenuous connection to business.

5. The moderators are in a no-win position here. This could have been disallowed, but what would be the official (objective) reason? Because of tastelessness? Then we would have to remove a lot of other tasteless items that some people think are not tasteless at all. Because of being off-topic? Then we would have to remove every other post on blogging and online promotion methods. Because it is silly rather than helpful? Perhaps, but there are a lot of silly posts that also would have to be removed. Because of all three reasons combined (tasteless, tenuous topic and not informational)? Perhaps that would be a valid reason, but this is not an easy decision to make and I do not envy the task the moderators have.

6. Yoni, please come back. I know this is an issue that you feel incredibly strongly about, and with good reason, but there are more reasons to stay than to go.

That's all I wish to say.

Written by yoni67
4887 days ago


I like you a lot, in a platonic way of course, and have the utmost respect for your opinions.

I have to disagree though: I've been on BizSugar for well over a year. Although I agree that there have been plenty of other posts unconnected to business, I don't remember anything coming even remotely close to Hitler Finds Out About Blogging.

There are a lot of reasons to stay here, but until this issue reaches its "Final Solution" (pun intended) I must abide by my gut.


Written by rush
4887 days ago

Any reason the post was yanked from the front page? If it's the algorith I read about that doesn't fly. There are people lately who have had 3 or 4 stories on the front page simultaneously. Please put it back!


Written by yoni67
4887 days ago

Why was the post yanked? Because they don't like people who drive Fiats?

Written by lovedthisarticle!
4887 days ago

I hope this article was removed from the hot topic accidentally. Its ironic to think the Hitler post that started this all was there but that this got taken down!

Heidi K.

[email protected]

Written by businessavante
4887 days ago

I'd like to say something about myself. My whole life has been about fighting stress. I've suffered from life-long depression. My brain destroys serotonin faster than it makes it. I used serotonin re-uptake inhibitors in the early 2,000's - they helped, sort of. After a over decades of depression, I was inured to it, so ultimately SRI's were too little too late. I don't need and can't handle any more stress than I already have in my day-to-day life.

This is why I can't/won't blog. I'd worry way too much writing & editing it, and when I hit "publish", the real worry would start. I'd lose sleep. I'm sure many bloggers feel that, especially at first - but this isn't a mindset I can "talk" myself out of (contrary to some well-meant blogs about positive thinking that I'm sure works wonders for many).If just blogging would be too much added stress, I can't even begin to imagine the stress that goes with being the Chief.

I just wish that Tristan had apologized right off, but that's not his style - intentionally creating controversy to up his numbers is. I think I'm the only one who sees the recent mess as a Tristan issue. If only he had apologized.


Written by yoni67
4887 days ago


I agree with many here. You are a person who is willing to satnd up and voice an opinion even if it goes against the grain. You have always been fair and unbiased, supportive and caring. YOU have earned my RESPECT and the respect of a lot of others!


Written by lovedthisarticle!
4887 days ago

Duncan, I think the fact that you are so sensitive is an asset. The fact that you felt stress was an indication that you felt something was very wrong about all of this and the fact that you are the only one associated with bizsugar who said in any way that it was wrong is admirable!

Heidi K.

Written by smallbiztrends
4887 days ago

BradenM, I am sorry you feel that it has made people feel pain. Like I said, my family suffered too. I looked on it from a different perspective. If you don't like the way things are run, feel free to invest your life savings in a site to compete against BizSugar. If I had as thin a skin as some around here, and looked to take offense at the drop of a hat, I'd be deeply offended by your comments. - Anita

Written by BradenM
4887 days ago

Yoni, I've seem unfairness here in terms of the vote and don't vote lists. You haven't had a vote from any one associated with Bizsugar in about a year. How do they decide who to vote for? Add in the hitler video and the stupid responses by the in charge people and it's sad. Duncan was the only one who spoke out in anger and gained my respect.I hope there will be changes and the potential will be actualised.


Written by smallbiztrends
4887 days ago

Three points deserve to be clarified, to prevent anyone happening upon this post from getting only one side and jumping to the wrong conclusions:

(1) The original post being referred to, used a famous movie clip about Hitler, and made Hitler look like a demented madman. It did NOT glorify him. The post superimposed subtitles over the movie clip, using humor. We might question the tastefulness of the humor. But the post was NOT about religion. It did NOT show Hitler in a positive light. It did NOT glorify Hitler's policies. It was about business. My family in Europe suffered at the hands of Hitler in World War II, so I have just as much reason as anyone to be insulted by something that would glorify him or his genocide policies. After viewing the post, I determined that the post did not glorify Hitler and was not about his policies.

(2) I invited Yoni67 long ago to be a moderator of this community and be a positive force in it. You did not accept.

(3) We have given you the very same freedom of speech, that you suggest we should smother out in others. We allow you to come on this site and critique us. Few other site owners would have the confidence to allow the same freedom of speech.

- Anita Campbell, owner of BizSugar

Written by yoni67
4887 days ago


It is not about religion.

Also, yes, I was THRILLED when you asked me to be a moderator and would have gladly accepted. That was right before, if your remember, the chief moderator sent out the famous "don't vote for Yoni memo" to all of the BizSugar people. That was the turning point.

Also, if we all have equal rights, why has my article been quietly relegated and taken off the main site.

If you want to kick me off of the site for being so vocal I truly understand. It is your right.

Written by rush
4887 days ago


I am a Christian and was offended. What would Jesus Christ think of entertaining readers with Hitler? It's not about religion it's about the fact that the article never belonged on a business website!

Yonatan was also very supportive of BizSugar in his article. It is a good site with great potential but it has made some errors in judgement. I also advocate new blood to get participation going and where Yonatan only hinted I say Duncan is the man for the job. He bears no grudges, is not biased and gives everyone an equal opportunity to get their work read and supported. Some people currently in charge don't fit that mold.


Written by BradenM
4887 days ago

Of course it's not about religion and it doesn't glorify hitler. We have all agreed on that. It just has nothing to do with business. Nothing at all. It has made people feel pain and hurt and mistrust. And a lot of people have lost faith in this place. I agree that it is time to shake things up to get a new perspective and new energy. And to make a list of what is acceptable.


Written by alinisrael
4888 days ago

The first thing Hitler suspended was voting rights for non-aryans and non-members of the Nazi party.


Written by ShoshFromJobShuk
4888 days ago

It was done in Egypt. It's being done in Syria. Sometimes changes need to be made and this might be one. The damage in credibility from the Hitler post has been immense and painful to many and asking for justification has been like speaking to a brick wall!

It might be time to give someone else control and I agree with your choice of who can be fair though I won't mention his name other than to say that U is the second letter of his name.


Written by Jerusalem Post
4888 days ago


A well presented and thought out argument for transparency and accountability in any community!

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