The Uselessness of "Constructive" Criticism

The Uselessness of "Constructive" Criticism - Avatar Posted by steveamiller under Self-Development
From 4208 days ago
Made Hot by: BIZantium on December 20, 2012 1:02 am
During a recent free, live webinar, I apparently made the mistake of taking a drink of coffee and fixing one of my lights, which took a grand total of 27.1 seconds of one viewer's valuable time. She sent an email complaining as such.

I responded that she took herself too seriously and didn't belong among my BFFs, so I banned her from my lists. Of course, she used a second email address and stated that apparently I can't take constructive criticism.

And that's where I got annoyed...


Written by lyceum
4203 days ago

Steve: You are welcome to join an international movement against the Tall poppy syndrome!

Written by lyceum
4203 days ago

Steve: I received the domain name, (Law of Jante Police) from author, Stefan Engeseth, in a contest on how to fight against envy in an innovative way.

Written by steveamiller
4203 days ago

That's so cool, Martin. Darn it, I wish I'D won that contest!

Written by lyceum
4205 days ago

Steve: Thanks for highlighting this issue. Now it is time for me to drink a cup of tea! ;) It seems that the so called "constructive" criticism is coming from envy and the Law of Jante, rule #10: "You're not to think you can teach us anything."

Written by steveamiller
4204 days ago

Ha! Good one, Martin. I'm going to remember that.

Written by HeatherStone
4206 days ago


I'm not sure whether I agree with your assessment that there is no such thing as constructive criticism. I can, however, say that if there is such an animal, this isn't it. Focusing on such minor issues as your critic did while ignoring the value of the free content you were providing seems more than short-sighted. It sounds like the actions of a person who simply likes to criticize. There are, unfortunately, loads of people like this in the world and the best lesson they can teach us is how to stay focused and not let ourselves be distracted. Thanks so much for sharing with the BizSugar community.

Written by HeatherStone
4205 days ago

Makes sense, Steve. Again, thanks for sharing!

Written by steveamiller
4205 days ago

Thanks for the comment, Heather. I'm all for helpful, meaningful and relevant feedback. My problem with the phrase "constructive criticism" is it's been over-abused by people who just want to be snarky.

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