5 B2B brands that rock Instagram

5 B2B brands that rock Instagram - http://socialmediaslant.com Avatar Posted by cendrinemedia under Social Media
From http://socialmediaslant.com 3403 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on March 12, 2015 9:52 am
I often talk about the B2C world on this blog. But what about B2B brands? There is a lot you can learn from them too.

This is especially the case on Instagram. In this article, I have chosen five companies that do a great job with their content on the platform.


Written by LoginRadius
3394 days ago

Great article and informative examples you have shared with us. Social Media has become an important part of marketing strategies and Instagram, being an effective platform for sharing images is another field to be utilized by marketers. Keep writing more!

Written by lyceum
3400 days ago

Cendrine: Great examples. Could you highlight some small businesses that are rocking Instagram?

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