Facebook Sticks Up for Obama Bear-Hugging Pizza Guy

Facebook Sticks Up for Obama Bear-Hugging Pizza Guy - http://mashable.com Avatar Posted by Wishpond under Social Media
From http://mashable.com 4309 days ago
Made Hot by: Squawk Media on September 13, 2012 12:08 am
After a Florida pizza shop owner gave President Barack Obama a bear hug, the restaurant’s Yelp ratings became a roller coaster of political opinion. And on Facebook, users both near and far came online to show their support for the owner.

On Sunday, Obama paid a visit to Big Apple Pizza in Fort Pierce, Fla. During the campaign stop, owner Scott Van Duzer gave the president a bear hug, lifting him off the floor. The incident caught everyone by surprise.


Written by lyceum
4307 days ago

Denise: I second that. Yelp's advantage compared with other review sites, is that the reviews have been linked to users that have been at the actual place they have reviewed.

Has Obama written a review?! ;)

Written by denisefay
4308 days ago

I provide marketing services to a number of restaurants so this article grabbed my attention.

I think that people should only comment on a restaurant if they've eaten there. Feel free to give feedback whether positive or negative; the restaurant owner can only improve based on actual feedback. I'm watching the US elections with intrigue. It seems that in some situations, whatever party you belong to or have attachments to, you must disagree with the other party.

Obama was hungry. He ate a pizza. The guy got excited that the President was in his shop. That's the fact of the matter. Whether the owner helped out in 2008 campaign is immaterial.

End of.

But what an interesting story - thanks for sharing on bizsugar.com.

Take care,


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