I remember when social media was fresh and new. Everyone was either excited or dismissive, but very few could explain precisely why. It was new. That’s it.
Since then we’ve seen social media become a powerful tool in the digital marketing landscape.
Some still thumb their nose at social media, but, social media marketing is not a waste of time just as much as it isn’t the solution to all your marketing woes. Social media is just another channel where you can connect with your audience. How you connect is up to you.
There is no silver bullet for marketing. Never has been and doubt there ever will be. Two reasons why: money and competition.
Let’s Be Sensible About Social Media Marketing
Posted by jonmikelbailey under Social MediaFrom https://www.woodst.com 2172 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on November 3, 2018 2:11 pm
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