On Twitter, Almost Everyone Is Five Degrees Apart

On Twitter, Almost Everyone Is Five Degrees Apart  - http://omgzam.com Avatar Posted by omgzam under Social Media
From http://omgzam.com 5181 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on May 4, 2010 12:32 pm
According to Sysomos, everyone on Twitter is just five steps away from each other and about half of all the people on Twitter are separated by only four steps after analyzing 5.2 billion friend and follower relationships on Twitter. Despite that, the six degrees of separation still holds true on Twitter where 13.06% of Twitter relationships are covered by it.


Written by lyceum
5181 days ago

Nizam: Have you read Six Pixels of Separation by Mitch Joel?

Written by omgzam
5181 days ago

Oh not yet. I'll be sure to check that out, thanks for the heads up!

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