Still struggling to get more viewers on your business Facebook page? Here’s something you might not know: the new EdgeRank algorithm on Facebook now takes quality of content into consideration when you post to your page. Your page reach (the number of people who see the post) will increase or decrease based on the determined quality. But what is considered quality and how do you make each post valuable in this new ranking system?


Written by tiroberts
4327 days ago

Hi Leah,

This is a fantastic post and you gave some wonderful tips here. I've noticed that the FB audience is much more responsive to visuals, as you stated, than text.

I've also heard that visual picture quotes get more interaction and engagement than other types of pictures.

I've been implementing this picture strategy on my FB page and it's been working rather well. An additional tid bit that I add to all of my FB pictures posts is a clear call to action. For example: I'll share a picture and then add this sentence within the post text - *Please click "like" if you like this one and pass it along by clicking "share".*

This has proven to significantly increase the amount of shares and "likes" my picture posts get.

Thanks for sharing these tips with our BizSugar community. I appreciate it!


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