Social Media Success: Choose Quality Over Quantity!

Avatar Posted by divahound under Social Media
From 3428 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on June 30, 2015 11:40 am
As a small business owner, it’s easy to get caught up creating “tangible” goals for social media engagement. If your posts are getting x number of likes and y number of shares, you’re doing it well, right?


Written by LoginRadius
3420 days ago

Nice article Shannon! No doubt quality is always given priority over quantity, no matter what is the business. 1 high quality efforts can give you hundred times more traffic than your 100 low quality efforts. Your article highlights the secret to get success on social media.Keep writing more!

Written by beth02
3422 days ago

Hi Shannon,

Really quantity matters a lot in every sector over quantity whether it is social media or any other. The points you shared through your article is no doubt very important to consider while making social media engagement fruitful. Thanks for sharing it.

Written by HeatherStone
3422 days ago

Hi Shannon,

Great points here on quality or quantity and under circumstances this also includes an obsession over the amount of traffic (if we're talking about online visitors). But doesn't a big part of this equation have to do with not just the quality of content but also the kind of engagement it leads to? In other words, less important than how many people are viewing your site is whether the right ones are viewing it.

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