I’m probably going to offend a lot of people, but here goes. If I read one more article about how to create a social media strategy, I’m going to scream. Why? Because social media isn’t worth anything without content - unless, of course, your goal is to chit chat. I feel so strongly about it, I've created an INFOGRAPHIC to explain my position.


Written by globalcopywrite
4234 days ago

Hi Harry,

Written by AngelBiz
4234 days ago

While I agree with your content of the article I think the title is a bit misleading. Social media strategy is a waste of time as long as you do it right and you have the content to back it up. I always say that the content is king. If you don't have the right content that attracts the audience no amount of SEO and social media will help you.

As you mentioned you have to establish yourself as an authority in the field. The audience will follow. SEO and social media does help promote it though.

Written by globalcopywrite
4234 days ago

Hi Harry, I don't think the title is misleading, at all. My whole point is you need a content strategy - social media and SEO are part of that strategy. I've seen far too many businesses plan how to get fans and followers, schedule tweets and Facebook postings, and troll the internet to find things to post to Pinterest. None of it does any good if you haven't established your authority and built trust with your content. So, yes, a content strategy is where businesses should be focusing their strategic efforts.

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