I tell entrepreneurs that Google was an “exception” to all the investment and startup rules, but I’ve always wondered what it takes to be an exception. Since every business is built by unique individuals, I’m totally convinced that exceptional people are the key to an exceptional company.
Google Founders Define the Meaning of ‘Exceptional’
Posted by martinzwilling under StartupsFrom http://blog.startupprofessionals.com 4390 days ago
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4389 days ago
I think a new approach is important here not just new tactics. That implies all of what you are saying. Certainly Google didn't approach online search by just copying what Yahoo! had done. I think many startups make the mistake of believing too much of the conventional wisdom in the market they serve, believing the key to success is simply to be better than their competitors. But I think often the real key to success is to see the market and the solutions to customers' problems within that market in a totally different way.
4390 days ago
I really think most startups should begin with unique tactics. After all, why reinvent an existing business, and what better way of competing with others in your market than by inventing a whole new approach that sets you apart?
4390 days ago
Regarding the business tactics in the article: the Google advertising model wasn't there from the begin. What will happen when a company come up with a better mousetrap or develop online advertising to a higher level (example InfluAds or BlogAds)?
With this said, I agree that the founders are exceptional in many ways and I give them a mental thank-you note every day when I am using their products! :)