Many Entrepreneurs Charge The Hill Too Soon

Many Entrepreneurs Charge The Hill Too Soon - Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 5071 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on August 13, 2010 8:23 pm
Don’t charge the hill until you are “ready.” This probably seems obvious to military types, but I see entrepreneurs violating this rule all the time. They approach key potential investors way too early, trying to talk their way up the hill, with no supporting business plan, and before they have a support team around them. Needless to say, they get shot down, and get no second chance.


Written by jakeadams
5059 days ago

Entrepreneurs are an ambitious bunch. I agree, many enter their prospective market too soon. Proper business planning is essential. The alternative is bankruptcy.

Written by ShoshFromJobShuk
5071 days ago

I didn't understand the charge the hill expression at first but it makes good sense. I like the military principles and the advice. It's a good article that reminds me when they say before you cross the street to Stop Look and Listen.


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