Lean Planning is a new methodology to help startups refine their business model and implement their plans so they can get up and running faster and easier.


Written by jennybhatt
4305 days ago

I like how this approach fits in nicely with Steve Blank's and Eric Ries'. I've read them both this year and learned a lot from their advice. Thanks for this post too. I've also come across a bunch of stuff from Tim Berry and like the plan-as-you-go approach.

Written by HeatherStone
4305 days ago


Thanks so much for sharing this post with our BizSugar members. Lean planning helps businesses be more agile and shift gears when change is necessary. It doesn't require an elaborate plan to bring you success, just one with the appropriate amount of detail and a way to measure results.

Written by bigmoneyweb
4314 days ago

Great post. Lean planning is also a methodology that allows you to make decisions about what opportunities to take, and which ones to ignore. It allows you to understand where your business has opportunities that you can take advantage of, and where your business may struggle. Thanks for sharing.

Written by noahparsons
4313 days ago

Thanks for the comment Bigmoneyweb. You're right-on with lean planning being a great tool for decision making. Creating mini "pitches" for new business ideas can really help small businesses figure out if the idea is worth pursuing or not.

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