To Do Lists Going Unfinished? Here's What To Do.

To Do Lists Going Unfinished? Here\'s What To Do. - Avatar Posted by emmamcdermott under Strategy
From 3359 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on April 26, 2015 12:46 pm
Many people can’t work without a to-do list. Whether a handwritten list in a notebook or an app that keeps you in check of your tasks, they keep us grounded and level with what needs doing. The problem is, these lists don’t always get completed when you want them to. You push tasks to the next day (or next week), get distracted with office goings-on, and convince yourself that your future-self will deal with it. Perhaps you just can’t understand why your lists go unfinished in the first place. To reclaim your productivity, your to-do list may need a makeover. Try some of these techniques.


Written by lyceum
3355 days ago

Emma: I like the idea of blocking out time in your calendar. I am developing my own personal routine for this workflow. I am writing down meetings, calls to do, etc., in my physical calendar / note book, and then type in the data into my new calendar app (Planado) on my smartphone. I am doing this as a weekly review task.

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