When to Quit Your Day Job: Don’t Rely On a Pipe Dream

Avatar Posted by Carol_Amato under Strategy
From http://www.carolamato.com 3766 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on June 14, 2014 4:39 am
Making thousands of bucks online after a few weeks’ work as an online entrepreneur is the pipe dream of today. There’s no one magic bullet that can propel you to the top and give you the life you’ve always wanted – running your own business and setting your own hours.


Written by max-profits
3735 days ago

So true, there is definitely nothing easy about entrepreneurship, and dreams don't true without hours upon hours of work going into them. Great article!

Written by Carol_Amato
3733 days ago

Hi Max,

So happy you enjoyed my blog post. Yes, agree completely with the fact that it takes hours and hours (and months and years) to get a business up and running and successful.

Thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts. :)

- Carol

Written by adrian1015
3767 days ago

This is great strategy yes it is true that most of the marketer do to quit day job even they just started the online business.

Written by Carol_Amato
3766 days ago

I've seen disaster over and over again when people get too anxious and just want to quit their day job and start their new 'passion' - I try to warn folks as best I can. Thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts. :)

- Carol

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