I never wanted to tell this story. I never wanted you to know. I still don't.

But it's the reason I am who I am today.


Written by joemagid
4798 days ago


I hope to be reading your great articles on JS for many years to come! Be strong and continue to inspire others!

Joe "Magpie" Magid

Written by yoni67
4795 days ago

Bobby, Shoshana and Joe,

A belated thank you for your comments.

Thanks for reading!

And Bobby, may you remain in permanent remission. Wishing you health and happiness,


Written by saraib820
4798 days ago

And thanks to all of you at JobShuk who continue to read his blog! Your support is greatly appreciated. I suspect Yoni will be back and blogging again by mid-week.

Written by ShoshFromJobShuk
4798 days ago


Love, hugs, kisses, strength and wishes for many more years of your incredible writing and blogging!


Written by figurativelyspeaking
4798 days ago

Yonatan, this was an incredible post for me to read. I have beaten breast cancer and am in remission since 2004. I have nothing but admiration and respect for your ability and will to persist and press on! God bless you!


Written by JackieP
4801 days ago

Yoni thank you for sharing such a personal part of your life, it reminds us all of how precious our time is.

Here's to many more years of breathtaking articles & good health.

Written by JackieP
4799 days ago

Sounds like a wonderful dream Yoni, maybe you can still blog part time "perspectives on a dogs life" :)

I'd be a fan


Written by yoni67
4801 days ago


Thank you much! Time is precious though I must admit I don't want to spend it all writing. I have a dream, I call it the two-year plan, that our family will move close to the shores of the Sea of Galilee (called here, the Kinerret). There we will have a retirement home for dogs. I love dogs. I especially love dogs that were previously abused (we have 2) that can be rehabilitated and turned inot happy, loving creatures. I also tend to love dogs that nobody else wants.

Anyway, it's a dream, but perhaps one day...


Written by Jerusalem Post
4801 days ago

Very, very inspirational!



Written by yoni67
4801 days ago

Thank's gals and guys and thank you for helping me to launch my career :)


Written by rush
4801 days ago

Yoni, have faith and fight and you will win!


Written by yoni67
4801 days ago

Thanks Rush and Ben,

Faith is something we all need as we all encounter obstacles and travails on this journey called life.


Written by ben.corporate@ILforums
4801 days ago

Amen to all of the replies!


Written by yoni67
4802 days ago


To all who generously re-tweeted here: I have never had 8 re-tweets before. I'm humbled, honored, and just seconds away from celebrating with an ice-cold Molson. Muchas gracias.

Written by ofirafromjobshuk
4802 days ago


Thanks for your honesty and being you. Thank you for working with me. And thanks to you and Rivkah for a delicious lunch!


Written by yoni67
4802 days ago

You are welcome for working with you. Now do your dishes, go home, and let me sleep!

Written by m4bmarketing
4802 days ago

Your story is inspiring Yoni and although as you said it was difficult to share we have learnt much from it.

Take care


Written by yoni67
4802 days ago

Thank you Susan,

I'm glad it is having the intended effect. I prayed that it would not come across as me wallowing in self-pity or sounding whiney. I wanted it to be a tool to show anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation that there is a way to turn lemons into lemonade.



Written by ronika
4802 days ago

I guess you can honestly say that you are one in a billion :)

This is an amazing and inspirational story, Yoni and a wonderful insight. I can imagine how difficult this must have been to share, but I'm glad that you did.

Written by yoni67
4802 days ago



My wife says lovingly that I won the lottery!

It was difficult to share, mostly because I was scared of coming across as being a whiner. Deep down too I was/am fearful that people might think I was using the sympathy factor to drum up business.

I got an email today from a thirteen year-old girl who's cancer is back for the fourth time. Her mom showed her my story. The girl said it made her smile and she would like to meet me. She lives in New Mexico and I don't have money for a plane ticket. So I'm doing the next best thing...sending her a teddy-bear! It kind of made the post worth it :)


Written by 9devon9
4802 days ago


You are an amazing writer and the story of how it happened is equally amazing. It seems that many would have sunk into very deep depression yet you turned it around into something positive. I hope that others who are going through something similar might find rays of hope and I wish you many more years of writing ahead! ~~Devon

Written by yoni67
4802 days ago

"Rays of hope"...i like it!

I think that sinking into depression is the easy part, extricating onesself can be difficult. Especially when you get into the "Gilligan's Island," "Brady Bunch" "BJ and the Bear"...cycle. There is definitely something about TV that can make things worse. Had our TV not broken, I would probably still be watching. :)

I was also lucky to have a great family doctor who recognized the signs of depression and referred me to a psychologist. She prescribed "happy pills" which were instrumental in restoring my happiness. Even if Tom Cruise thinks psychology is the work of the devil, I believe there is a time and a place.

Thanks for your kind thoughts and wishes.

Written by businessavante
4802 days ago

Hi Yoni.

Amazing story.

Sometimes the adversity people have to fight through makes them much better people. It's good that you're a fighter, and that you have the support of a loving wife. My guess is that she is one of the big reasons you're making the best of it.

You're so lucky you found a creative outlet - and doubly lucky that you can make a living at it. The happiest people love their work.

All the best,


Written by yoni67
4802 days ago



I think finding a creative outlet helps get people through things. It can be cathartic and stress-relieving. I didn't start out with writing thinking it would be the source of a living, but I'm glad it sort of turned out that way. Now...our electricity is going to be shut off on Thursday, can I borrow 60$?

Well, that's the price of being a freelancer...good thing my wife has a 9-5 gig :)


Written by alinisrael
4802 days ago


I still can't leave a message on your blog without getting 404 error.

Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. I know you waited a long time with it and am interested to know, if you will share, why you waited so long. If it is too personal I respect that.

You are an extraordinary mind and person with many mountains yet to conquer and I will pray to God that you get that time!

Prayerfully yours,


Written by yoni67
4802 days ago


I will ask the webmaster about your problem with comments.

Thanks for the prayers, though prayers for world peace would benefit more people.

As far as the post: there's always, I guess, the feeling that you might come across sounding "whiney" and that was something that scared me.


Written by lovedthisarticle!
4802 days ago


I guess I will join the chorus of readers who never knew.

When I first found your blog through janglo I was hooked. And when you ordered anniversary flowers through me I was so grateful and happy! Your great attitude and sense of humor has always been what has made me come back to your blog over and over. When humor and positiveness was handed out by the man upstairs I guess he gave you a double dose! Please find strength and continue with your wonderful outlook.


Heidi K.

Written by yoni67
4802 days ago


You are a wonderful person and a great florist. Now please...PLEASE let me make you a website! For free! Well actually I'll do the content for free...the website itself you'll need someone else to do and it'll probably set you back about $3,000! :(


Written by bigmoneyweb
4803 days ago

Hi Yoni,

This is very touching story!, My faith was lifted up after reading this article because I myself is facing so many challenges for 3 years now, I had no parent, had no parental care but right now am raising 2 of my sons alone.

I know am facing challenges but not illness yet but I must be a positive guy no matter what. This your story thought me not to allow any challenges to take control of me.

Thanks for sharing,


Written by yoni67
4802 days ago


I can't imagine how difficult it must be to grow up without parents. My father was a jerk, but my mother was both mother and father for me and my sister. She was the greatest even though now she is a little wrinkly, cranky 82-year-old pain in the butt! I just can't imagine what it must be like to not have parents to turn to for hugs, support and love.

As far as raising your own children, you seem like a great guy with a terrific head on your shoulders. I am certain that you will give your children what you yourself missed getting from your parents: love, stability and care. The most important things for kids are that love and knowing somebody is there for them.

I wish you luck and strength in your journey forward!

Thanks for your comments and thoughts...they mean a lot!


Written by BradenM
4803 days ago


I figured I would get ready to enjoy another of your witty, funny business posts this week. This is not what I expected. I am in awe of your story and I hope it serves to others who are facing challenges!

I'm glad that your are telling the story of your life and letting others see that overcoming adversity is possible with the right attitude!

With great respect,


Written by yoni67
4802 days ago


How was flying? I need a new hobby, though RC planes sounds expensive.

I'm seriously thinking though of investing a hundred bucks in colored stones and making a mosaic-style mural. Work is good, but I need a diversion.


Written by yoni67
4802 days ago


Sorry, I too was hoping for something funny this week and then I was convinced to go ahead with this. I still feel funny about having posted it, but it's done.

Next week: "Cross-Dressing Men of the Planet Jupiter: Good for Interplanetary Business?"

(Nothing against cross-dressing men of course...love ya!)


Written by lovedthisarticle!
4802 days ago

Yoni & Braden,

When I first saw the title I thought one of two things, that your were writing about somebody else or that it was going to be something with a punchline. I am so happy you wrote this and shared with us but somehow I hope your next article will be back to making us laugh!

Heidi K.

Written by shepherd
4803 days ago


Braden and I have taken the day off to fly our RC planes at the aero club. As our planes take flight and hopefully stay up, I will be thinking of you and your inspiring story. I hope that doesn't sound corny.

You will prove the statistics wrong with your strength and determination.

God bless,


Written by smallbiztrends
4803 days ago

Yoni, thanks for sharing your story. It's inspiring.

- Anita

Written by yoni67
4802 days ago

Thank you Anita! Much appreciated.

I know that I am hard-headeed. I hate Hitler and probably took my feelings a bit too far.

The fact that I was too verbal, adamant and probably expressed my views too strongly and with poorly chosen words...and you still took time to comment...makes it even more special.


Written by amabaie
4803 days ago

Prove them statistics wrong, Yoni!

Written by yoni67
4802 days ago


I know a guy who was given 6 months to live in 1982. He died 2 days later!

Hah! Just kidding. He's alive and kicking.

I have not much faith in statistics anyway, being it was the only class I failed in college.


Written by hamed1
4803 days ago


You had already earned my admiration. Now you have earned ten times as much to know what you have overcame!

Hamed Ji'Bril

Jericho P.A.


Written by yoni67
4802 days ago


Thank you! There are many who face adversity, I guess I am just one in the crowd. There are many who could and do teach me about overcoming. I really hesitated to post this but did so in the hope that I could give a small ray of inspiration to anybody who is facing the prospect of a potentially life-changing diagnosis.


Written by profit613
4803 days ago

With respect and love,

Rochelle Rochelle

Written by yoni67
4802 days ago

To our lovely exchange student: thank you!

For your support, care and thoughtfulness.

Now go do the dishes!


Written by saraib820
4803 days ago

I'm so proud of you Yoni. I know that this is by far the hardest thing you have ever written. I want to cry with joy that your are finally telling the story.

Your wife :)

Written by yoni67
4802 days ago

Thank you dear!

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